Definition of the jurisprudential deduction process


  • Mortada Jawad Awad Al-Maddouh Basra University - College of Education for Human Sciences Department: Quranic Sciences and Islamic Education


Jurisprudence, deduction, process of deduction, legal evidence, legal ruling


The process of jurisprudential deduction is the process of the jurist’s practice of establishing evidence for defining the practical situation in every event of life and one of its aspects, and this is called the process of jurisprudential deduction of the Shari’a ruling, and this deductive process has great importance in human life, and it has its preparatory rules, special and common elements and stages. The many jurists and their various approaches and applications, and the jurists' belief in the flexibility of Sharia at a level that exceeds the broad horizon of all jurists prompts them to do their best to know the rulings of the All-Knowing, which transcend time, space, and the horizon of man, no matter how developed, and some jurists may understand some rulings more than others without it being an appeal. To others, because the Sharia is very broad and very flexible, and every jurist derives from it according to his understanding and knowledge, and that jurisprudence and the process of jurisprudential elicitation are related to all areas of life and society and what emerges from events and facts, and they have the ability to keep pace with it and derive its rulings in accordance with the glorious Islamic Sharia.




