Morphometric analysis of the basin of Wadi Al-Aasin in the western plateau of Al-Najaf Governorate and the potentials of investing its waters


  • Nour Razzaq Abdul-Kadhim Al-Hadrawi College of Arts \ University of Kufa
  • Dr. Ayed Jassim Hussein Al-Zamili College of Arts \ University of Kufa


The study dealt with the morphometric characteristics of the Wadi Al-Aasin Basin, which is located within the western plateau of Najaf Governorate, which was studied according to the descriptive analytical method and using the quantitative method, through GIS software as well as the field study. The basin area was estimated at (334 km2), whose rock formations date back to the Eocene to Miocene period, as well as the sediments of the fourth time represented by the sediments of the Pleistocene and Holocene periods, located between latitudes (30 ً 18 َ 31 ْ – 00 ً 37 َ 31 ْ) north, and longitudes (00 ً 09 َ 44 ْ – 30 ً 30 َ 44 ْ )   east, so it falls within the dry climate, which is characterized by high temperatures, whose rates reach (37.5° C), during the month of July, and the lack of rain, whose annual average is (94.4 m), The morphometric characteristics of the Wadi El-Aasin basin were studied, and it was found that the shape of the basin tends to be rectangular, with a slight slope of (3.5 m per 1 km), and that the basin is at the beginning of its upstream cycle through the values ​​of hypsometric integration and the ruggedness value. As for the basin's water revenue, it was estimated through the Khosla equation at (0.022 billion m 3 / year), (22 million m3) and a dam could be built to store water for the benefit of the shepherds and for the drinking of their animals during the Chihod period.




